Freefall (Unmoored)


Details & Dimensions:

  • 40 inches wide | 30 inches tall | 1.5 inches deep

  • Oil and acrylic on canvas

  • Arrives in 0.75” black float frame

  • FREE shipping on all orders within the continental U.S.

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About This Piece

I talk to a lot of people that are experiencing some sort of upheaval. One woman described it as the feeling of being in freefall. Everything that anchored her life was shifting, and she felt she had nothing to grab onto. Jolted out of her routines and comfort, she felt disoriented and fearful. Who was she without her job, her relationships, her health? 

When everything is changing around us, we must confront the question–how do we cultivate a sense of security and groundedness within ourselves, and stop relying on our circumstances to make us feel safe or settled?

For many, transitions become a time to explore faith and spirituality–to cultivate trust in something bigger than oneself. And as scary as it is to let go of what we’ve known, times of transition are ripe with the opportunity to re-evaluate our priorities, values, desires, and beliefs. When we stay grounded and fully in the present, we get to decide how to build our lives back up.

What is the essence of your identity or your life? What remains when your circumstances and relationships change?