

Details & Dimensions:

  • 48 inches wide | 48 inches tall | 1.5 inches deep

  • Acrylic on Canvas

  • Arrives in 0.75” float frame

  • FREE shipping for all orders within the continental U.S.

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About This Piece

“Rest” is inspired by the following poem from Nayyirah Waheed:

every once and a while. take off your life. and rest.

In the age of information, I often feel compelled to be constantly in touch, up to date, informed. To know what’s going on and how I feel about it at all times. To be ready with an opinion, an answer, or a decision. Whether it’s political tension, racial injustice, or a public health crisis, it feels irresponsible or privileged to unplug, even for a second.

But over the past year, I’ve learned something important–we all need rest. Rest so that we return with renewed energy, rather than burn out and quit. Rest to experience clarity, so we can return with wisdom and compassion. Rest for our sanity, so that we retain hope for something better.

True rest isn’t escape; it isn’t evasion; it isn’t abandonment of the cause. It is deep commitment to showing up in a healthy and productive way, so long as we embrace the rhythm of rest and return.

Rest is a requirement. I hope you find the strength and trust to rest when you need it. You are important, but you’re not alone. There are others to help carry the load while you find respite.